* Mapbox GL Mouse over event fix plugin
* @module mapboxgl
* @author Cyrille Pontvieux <cyrille@enialis.net>
* @returns mapboxgl instance with an enhanced [Map](module-mapboxgl-Map.html)
(function (root, factory) {
// https://github.com/umdjs/umd/blob/master/templates/returnExports.js
if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(["mapbox-gl"], factory);
} else if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) {
// Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports, like Node.
module.exports = factory(require("mapbox-gl"));
} else {
// Browser globals (root is window)
root.mapboxgl = factory(root.mapboxgl);
}(typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : this, function (mapboxgl) {
const isInteractiveEvent = eventType => eventType && (
eventType.startsWith("mouse") ||
eventType.startsWith("touch") ||
["click", "dblclick", "contextmenu"].includes(eventType)
* Following code is copied from MapboxGL because it's not publicly availlable in the library.
* Event class, copied from https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/blob/v0.45.0/src/util/evented.js#L22 because it's extended by MapMouseEvent.
* @param {String} type
* @param {Object} data
const Event = function Event(type, data) {
if (data === undefined) {
data = {};
extend(this, data);
this.type = type;
* Code copied from : https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/blob/v0.45.0/src/util/dom.js#L104
const DOM = {};
DOM.mousePos = function (el, e) {
const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
e = e.touches ? e.touches[0] : e;
return new mapboxgl.Point(
e.clientX - rect.left - el.clientLeft,
e.clientY - rect.top - el.clientTop
* Given a destination object and optionally many source objects,
* copy all properties from the source objects into the destination.
* The last source object given overrides properties from previous
* source objects.
* Code copied from : https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/blob/v0.45.0/src/util/util.js#L152
* @param {Object} dest destination object
* @returns {Object} dest
* @private
const extend = function (dest) {
const sources = [];
let len = arguments.length - 1;
while (len-- > 0) {
sources[len] = arguments[len + 1];
for (let i = 0, list = sources; i < list.length; i += 1) {
const src = list[i];
for (const k in src) {
dest[k] = src[k];
return dest;
* `MapMouseEvent` is the event type for mouse-related map events.
* https://github.com/mapbox/mapbox-gl-js/blob/v0.45.0/src/ui/events.js#L17
* @extends {Object}
const MapMouseEvent = (function (Event) {
const MapMouseEvent = function (type, map, originalEvent, data) {
if (data === undefined) {
data = {};
const point = DOM.mousePos(map.getCanvasContainer(), originalEvent);
const lngLat = map.unproject(point);
Event.call(this, type, extend({ point: point, lngLat: lngLat, originalEvent: originalEvent }, data));
this._defaultPrevented = false;
this.target = map;
if (Event) {
MapMouseEvent.__proto__ = Event;
MapMouseEvent.prototype = Object.create(Event && Event.prototype);
MapMouseEvent.prototype.constructor = MapMouseEvent;
const prototypeAccessors = { defaultPrevented: { configurable: true } };
MapMouseEvent.prototype.preventDefault = () => {
this._defaultPrevented = true;
* `true` if `preventDefault` has been called.
* @returns {Boolean}
prototypeAccessors.defaultPrevented.get = function () {
return this._defaultPrevented;
Object.defineProperties(MapMouseEvent.prototype, prototypeAccessors);
return MapMouseEvent;
* @exports mapboxgl-Map
const Map = mapboxgl.Map;
const originalMapOnFunc = Map.prototype.on;
const originalMapOffFunc = Map.prototype.off;
const originalMapFireFunc = Map.prototype.fire;
* Add a listener to the map concerning the layer `layerId`.
* The listener should test whether the specific event is for the layer or not.
* Events will be fired from top to bottom (following pseudo-z-index)
* and only if the [`originalEvent.cancelBubble` is falsy](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/cancelBubble).
* @param {string} layerId the layer id.
* @param {string} eventType the event type.
* @param {function} listener the listener which will be called with a mapbox event.
* @returns {function} a wrapped listener, original listener could be found in the `originalListener` property.
Map.prototype.addListenerForLayer = function (layerId, eventType, listener) {
this._layersEvented = this._layersEvented || [];
let evented = this._layersEvented[layerId] = this._layersEvented[layerId] || new mapboxgl.Evented();
let wrappedListener = function (...args) {
const ev = args[0] || event;
args[0] = ev;
(!ev.originalEvent.bubbles || !ev.originalEvent.cancelBubble) && listener.apply(this, args);
wrappedListener.originalListener = listener;
evented.on(eventType, wrappedListener);
return wrappedListener;
* Get all (wrapped) listeners for the specified layer id.
* @param {string} layerId the layer id
* @returns {object} object with all listeners as property.
* `Evented._listeners` or empty object.
* @see [`Evented` on *mapboxgl*](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#evented).
Map.prototype.getListenersForLayer = function (layerId) {
let layersEvented = this._layersEvented || [];
let evented = layersEvented[layerId] || null;
return evented && evented._listeners || {};
* Remove a listener from a layer.
* The listener could be a real or a wrapper listener.
* @param {string} layerId the layer id corresponding to the listener.
* @param {string} eventType the event type.
* @param {function} listener the listener to remove.
Map.prototype.removeListenerFromLayer = function (layerId, eventType, listener) {
let evented = this._getLayerEventedForLayer(layerId) || null;
let listeners = evented && evented._listeners && evented._listeners[eventType] || [];
let wrappedListener = listeners.find(l => l === listener || l.originalListener === listener);
if (wrappedListener) {
evented.off(eventType, wrappedListener);
Map.prototype._getLayerEventedForLayer = function (layerId) {
return this._layersEvented && this._layersEvented[layerId];
Map.prototype._getLayersEventedByZIndexFor = function (type) {
let layersEvented = [];
let layersId = this.style && this.style._order && this.style._order.slice().reverse() || [];
for (const layerId of layersId) {
let layerEvented = this._getLayerEventedForLayer(layerId);
if (layerEvented && layerEvented.listens(type)) {
return layersEvented;
* Enhance `on` method for registering an event.
* The following special map event `type` could be registerd:
* - *mousedown*
* - *mouseup*
* - *click*
* - *dblclick*
* - *mousemove*
* - *mouseenter* / *mouseover*: the cursor enters a visible portion of the specified layer from outside that layer or outside the map canvas.
* - *mouseleave*: the cursor leaves a visible portion of the specified layer or leaves the map canvas.
* - *mouseout*: the cursor leaves the map canvas.
* - *contextmenu*
* - *touchstart*
* - *touchend*
* - *touchcancel*
* Events will be fired from **top** to **bottom** (following the [*bubble effect*](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Event/bubbles))
* and only if the `originalEvent` can propagate (`bubbles` getter is falsy or `stopPropagation` has not been called on it).
* @param {string} type one of the available types.
* @param {string|function} [layerIdOrListener=null] A style layer id if you want to restrict events to the visible features of a layer.
* Otherwise, a listener which takes a mapboxgl event as argument.
* The event object has three more properties:
* - `originalEvent`: the DOM event
* - `target`: the DOM target
* - `type`: the event type
* @param {function} [layerListener=null] The listener if not defined in the previous parameter.
* @returns {Map} this
Map.prototype.on = function (type, layerIdOrListener = null, layerListener = null, ...args) {
const layerId = layerListener == null ? null : layerIdOrListener;
const listener = layerListener == null ? layerIdOrListener : layerListener;
if (isInteractiveEvent(type) && layerId) {
listener.delegates = [];
if (type === "mouseenter" || type === "mouseover") {
let mousein = false;
let mousemove = (e) => {
const layer = this.getLayer(layerId);
const features = layer ? this.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: [layerId] }) : [];
if (!features.length) {
mousein = false;
} else if (!mousein) {
mousein = true;
listener.call(this, new MapMouseEvent(type, this, e.originalEvent, { features }));
e.originalEvent.cancelMouseMove = true;
} else {
mousemove.event = "special:mousemove";
let mouseout = () => {
mousein = false;
mouseout.event = "mouseout";
} else if (type === "mouseleave" || type === "mouseout") {
let mousein = false;
let mousemove = (e) => {
const layer = this.getLayer(layerId);
const features = layer ? this.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: [layerId] }) : [];
if (features.length) {
mousein = true;
} else if (mousein) {
mousein = false;
listener.call(this, new MapMouseEvent(type, this, e.originalEvent));
e.originalEvent.cancelMouseMove = true;
mousemove.event = "special:mousemove";
let mouseout = (e) => {
if (mousein) {
mousein = false;
listener.call(this, new MapMouseEvent(type, this, e.originalEvent));
mouseout.event = "mouseout";
} else {
let delegate = (e) => {
const features = this.getLayer(layerId) ? this.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point, { layers: [layerId] }) : [];
if (features.length) {
// Here we need to mutate the original event, so that preventDefault works as expected.
e.features = features;
listener.call(this, e);
delete e.features;
delegate.event = type;
for (let delegate of listener.delegates) {
this.addListenerForLayer(layerId, delegate.event, delegate);
return this;
} else {
return originalMapOnFunc.call(this, type, listener, ...args);
* Removes an event listener (eventually for layer-specific events) previously added with [on method](#on).
* @param {string} type one of the available types.
* @param {string|function} [layerIdOrListener=null] A style layer id from which you want to remove the listener.
* Otherwise, the listener to remove.
* @param {function} [layerListener=null] The listener to remove if not defined in the previous parameter.
* @returns {Map} this
Map.prototype.off = function (type, layerIdOrListener = null, layerListener = null, ...args) {
const layerId = layerListener == null ? null : layerIdOrListener;
const listener = layerListener == null ? layerIdOrListener : layerListener;
if (isInteractiveEvent(type) && layerId) {
if (listener.delegates) {
for (let delegate of listener.delegates) {
this.removeListenerFromLayer(layerId, delegate.event, delegate);
} else {
this.removeListenerFromLayer(layerId, type, listener);
return this;
} else {
return originalMapOffFunc.call(this, type, listener, ...args);
* Fires an event of the specified type.
* Respect the *bubble effect*.
* @param {object} event event data
* @returns {Map} this
* @see [`on` method](#on).
* @see [`Evented` on *mapboxgl*](https://www.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/api/#evented).
Map.prototype.fire = function (event, ...args) {
if (typeof event === "string") {
event = new Event(event, arguments[1] || {});
let type = event.type;
if (isInteractiveEvent(type)) {
let types;
if (type == "mousemove") {
types = ["special:mousemove", type];
} else {
types = [type];
for (type of types) {
if (!event.originalEvent.cancelMouseMove) {
for (let layerEvented of this._getLayersEventedByZIndexFor(type)) {
if (type == "special:mousemove") {
event.type = "special:mousemove";
} else if (type == "mousemove") {
event.type = "mousemove";
} else {
delete event.originalEvent.cancelMouseMove;
if (event.originalEvent && event.originalEvent.cancelBubble) {
return this;
} else {
return originalMapFireFunc.call(this, event, ...args);
} else {
return originalMapFireFunc.call(this, event, ...args);
return mapboxgl;